Sunday, February 8, 2009


With technology, everything around us is evolving.

The Internet has led to evolved models of e-business, e-commerce, so on and so forth. Most (if not all) aspects of setting up and maintaining a business are being shifted online. Marketing joined in along with the shift and now, online marketing is an essential ingredient that no company should lack in the recipe to being successful.

The evolution in marketing has resulted in Internet Marketing—The End of Traditional Marketing as We Know It. Building on to WEB 2.0, it's also called Marketing 2.0.

So what determines the success of E-Marketing?

The most important key to any form of successful marketing is personalisation. There are little details to take note of to remind your customers (or potential customers) that you acknowledge them as individuals and are reaching out to them not as part of a nameless group of strangers but as unique people with a possible interest in what you have to offer. It is to your benefit that you build and maintain relationships with clients through the Internet.

- If possible, include names on all e-mails sent to current and potential clients. It would definitely be a lot more personal than a mass sent email addressed to 'whomever it may concern.'

- Make sure your e-marketing content (newsletters, etc) makes sense. Sending out ill-thought of materials merely annoys clients. Ensure that the tone of your materials is warm and perhaps even appropriately humorous. Make these materials something that your clients look forward to receiving.

- Make clients feel welcomed at your website. To the virtual visitor, your website is your office. It must be friendly and easy to navigate. Make clients feel at home.

- Focus on getting customers to come back. Never be tempted to trick customers into dealing with you by using unorthodox methods like misleading offers or coercion. You could earn a few dollars that way, but in the long term, never forget that on the Internet, it is so much easier for dissatisfied customers to spread complaints and ruin the name of your company.

- Clearly identify the actions you would like the visitors to take. For a primary goal of selling a product, your call to action would probably be 'Buy this product now...' or something similar.

This evolved form of marketing could possibly make or break a company so it would be wise to pay attention to the little intricate details and not bank on old methods that worked fine with traditional marketing.

Never be too awed by an evolution not to work it for the best. =)


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